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 Israa and Meraaj, also known as Al-Israa' wal-Mi'raj, is an important event in Islamic history that commemorates the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Makkah to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven.

According to Islamic tradition, the journey took place in the year 621 CE, when the Prophet was in his early 50s. He was transported from the Kaaba in Makkah to the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem on a winged horse named Buraq. From there, he ascended through the seven heavens, meeting various prophets and receiving revelations from Allah.

The journey is significant for Muslims because it reaffirmed the prophethood of Muhammad and demonstrated his unique relationship with Allah. It also served as a validation of the importance of Jerusalem as a holy site in Islam.

Muslims commemorate the event on the 27th day of the Islamic month of Rajab, which falls on different dates each year according to the Islamic lunar calendar. The commemoration includes special prayers, recitations of the Quran, and lectures on the significance of the event.
